Promoting Biotechnology and Drug Discoveries


Discovery of Fungus-Specific Targets and Inhibitors Using Chemical Phenotyping of Pathogenic Spore Germination

Ortiz SC, Huang M, Hull CM.

IMPORTANCE Fungal pathogens cause 1.5 million deaths annually, and there is a critical need for new antifungal drugs. However, humans and fungi are very similar on a molecular level, and so many drugs that kill fungi also damage human cells, leading to extreme side effects, including death. The lack of fungus-specific targets is a major hurdle in the development of antifungal therapeutics. Spore germination is a process absent in humans that could harbor fungus-specific targets. To capitalize on this possibility, we developed new assays to identify and characterize inhibitors of spore germination of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus. Using these assays, we identified and characterized 191 novel inhibitors of spore germination. These inhibitors showed high potency against Cryptococcus spore germination while maintaining low cytotoxicity against mammalian cells, making them prime candidates for development into novel antifungal therapeutics.

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